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K I N G S  T R O O P

Ceremonial duties for mounted troops were more
significant in 2022 & 2023

Oil on canvas

510 x 405mm unframed



L I F E  G U A R D S

Ceremonial  mounts - splendid and patient played a
significant part in 2022 & 2023 which inspired this study

Oil on canvas

510 x405mm  unframed



S T U B B L E  F I E L D

Lone rider crosses a part cultivated Cotswold field after
the rain their mount sporting traditional Witney blanket

Oil on canvas

915 x 610mm unframed



L E A D I N G  U N D E R  L E A D E N  S K Y


Early exercise on a spring morning 2023 

in the Cotswolds

Oil on canvas

760 x 510mm - unframed



T U R N I N G  O U T

Single rider skirts a Cotswold hedge line in the early morning 

Oil on canvas

915 x610mm unframed



H O R S E S  A W A Y

Classic point to point to point Spring in the Cotswold leaden

sky and riders in colours

Oil on canvas

765x510 unframed



R I D G E  &  F U R R O W

Ridge & Furrow

Red sky meets fox on a Cotswolds morning

Oil on Canvas

510 x405mm unframed



C O U R C H E V E L  1 8 5 0

Clarity of light and air on a snow covered mountain piste

510 x405mm unframed



L A   S A U L I R E

Skiing Courchevel in the French Alps

Oil on canvas

510 x 405mm unframed


F A I R E  D U  S K I

Classic tree lined Courcevel piste with ski lift
above and breath taking mountainous back drop

510 x 405mm unframed



P L A Z A  D E  T O R O S

Inspired by and focused on the magnificent bull

Oil on canvas 

915mm x 610mm unframed


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