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W H A T  D O  Y O U  D O ?


Art commissions – paintings and drawings from life, photography and observation.


Illustrations for digital and print media for use in a range of commercial and domestic applications including packaging, web sites, stationery and books.


H O W  D O  Y O U  A C C E P T  A  C O M I S S I O N ?


We need to establish a clear brief – a mutual understanding of what you would like and what it is possible to provide. This will be done by reference to my example works, your photographs and other visual references together with email and telephone conversations prior to commencement. 

It would be useful to understand exactly what you intend to use the work for, e.g. framed for display, electronic or print reproduction. 

I suggest you take a look at my work and identify three or four of the pieces you like to help us confirm the brief in terms of medium, composition and size. 

I work in oils, water colour, charcoal and pencil. 

Once we have agreed the brief, I will commence the piece and at a suitable point send you an image so that you can see how the work has progressed. Some minor amends are possible at this stage however given we have agreed the brief, I will not be able to make major changes. I will send an image of the final work prior to shipping. 


W H A T  S I Z E  A R E  T H E  W O R K S ?


Typically, the size of original artwork is: 

Oils on Canvas 11.7 x 16.5 inches (A3) 


Oils on Canvas 13.9 x 18 inches



Charcoal and pencil - A4, A3 or A2


files will be provided electronically sized to suit the work and application.


H O W  M U C H  W I L L  I T  C O S T ?


Costs include packing and standard shipping within mainland UK. Other services or destinations will be quoted where required.

Pieces in the sale gallery are priced individually.

Commission costs depend on the complexity, medium and size of the piece.


Oils - from £500 


A4 Drawings – from £65


A3 Drawings - from £85 (1 or up to 3 subjects)


Digital art works – a price based on the number of images, complexity, use and whether samples and or originals are required will be quoted for each commission.


H O W  D O  I  P A Y ?


Payments can be made by bank transfer or PayPal in GBP Stirling. If in other currencies or via non UK banks you will must confirm the relevant exchange rates and any charges the banks may make to ensure the correct final amount is received.

A non refundable payment of half of the cost will be required at the point of commissioning with the balance paid on despatch.

A copy of the despatch reference will be provided to you.


W I L L  Y O U  V I S I T  T H E  S U B J E C T ?


The cost of my work does not include travel should you wish to meet I am happy to do so locally and would charge for the cost of travel only.


F R A M I N G ?


I would not usually frame the works. This is due to the wide variety of framing available, difficulty in conveying the finishes, increased cost of shipping and greater potential for damage in transit. 


W I L L  I T  L O O K  E X A C T L Y  L I K E  T H E  P H O T O G R A P H ?


Where the work is an interpretation of real life it is done in the style and form of the examples of my work you have seen and is an art work or illustration not a photo realisation. Combining Both digital and hand drawn images create a lasting piece of artwork.  


W H A T  C A N  I  D O  W I T H  T H E  W O R K ?


Unless otherwise agreed in writing by myself, you are buying the piece of work and not the rights to reproduce it in other forms. If you wish to do so this is possible, please ask.

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